

First, the message about Amsterdam had a 'typo'  -  there are over *2000*
registered houseboats on the canals, and apparently almost as many again
that are unregistered....not 200 as I wrote......oops. sorry.
Friday morning.  Part of Sunday's program is the sale of James Parkinson's
tulip bulbs.  We had to drive to north Holland to pick them up so on our way
there we stopped at village to watch the traditional Friday morning cheese
auction.  It has a carnival-like air, complete with street vendors,
accordian players and lots of people.  We toured the cheese museum and
tasted delicious samples, and I, of course, took lots of pictures.
When we got home in the afternoon we packaged the bulbs in 200 bags of 12.
Kees has gone to pick up the T-shirts for the Sponsorwalk and this evening
we are going to make posters.  The Toronto Office of the Parkinson
Foundation of Canada has kindly been getting sponsors for us (I neglected to
collect sponsors before we left.....I guess I was so caught up in the
excitement of coming here...).  Al said he would walk the 5 km in wooden
shoes for 1000 guilders, but he hasn't had any takers yet... :-)
42, 8
            Kees Paap                  Oudedijk 56
            3612 AC  Tienhoven     The Netherlands
            +31 3469 1021            FAX + 31 3469 1017
Age 45, 6 years PD, Sinemet 25/100 CR 3/day, Permax 1 mg 3/day     |
Sinemet 12,5/50 if necessary. Love working (120/week)                       |
Collecting information BBS +31 3469 1017.