

I heard about your FUN posts, Don - it was all true!  How are my old
acquaintances Margaret, Susan, Cyd, Barbara, Tom, Maryhelen,etc??? All this
energy - you must us non-Parkie's to shame - would like to harness your
energy to work on AZ for the Mo Udall bill - need folks to write, visit, call
Sen. McCain, Sen. Kyl, Rep Salmon, Stump, Shadegg, Kolbe, Hayworth (Pastor is
a cosponsor). Need YOU to educate the support group on what this bill is,
will do and (if anybody is REALLY interested) in NOT have this horrible
disease - how NIH funds could eliminate this nasty disease in 5 years - NPF,
Parkinson's Foundation, all the majors and lots of independent groups across
USA are trying to unify their voice - are you game? interested? - Tom
attended forum in DC in May - it was dynamic, exhausting and informative -
the Mo Udall bill can make a difference - time is short - WAKE UP ALL YOU
PARKIES - PLEASE don't doom yourself to my father's fate - STAGE V is not
worth it - tubes everywhere - no voice, no movement in or out of body -
suctioning hourly, turning - total immobility and at the mercy of caregivers
- sound great?? then lets get a cure for this disease - I know many of you -
miss several - Stage V is not for you! OK Don, ready to turbo charge efforts
toward research funds from the GOVERNMENT for PD?  $26/person is NOT enough -
WE want hundreds like Aids research !