

Senator Nancy L. Kassebaum, 302 Senate Russell Office Bldg, Washington, DC
20510 PHONE:202-224-4774 FAX 202-224-3514 - Tell your personal story, tell of
the unfair current distribution of fed. research funding - PD gets only
$26/person afflicted while cancer, MS & heart disease gets $100 or more. Aids
gets over $1000/person afflicted. Tell her clock is ticking. PD is a
degenerative disease.  Tell her it makes fiscal sense. PD costs a
conservative $6 billion a year (recent estimates as high as $25 billion a
year) Fiscal conservative PA Sen. Santorum cosponsored but we don't have
Kassebaum's vote. Tell her that setting up 10 centers should be efficient as
there are many more centers than 10 already in place not requiring start up
costs. One is in Kansas, her home state, directed by Dr. William Koehler.
 Contact members of the House-Senate Appropriations Copmmittee and urge the
largest possible increase to the NIH, with a special emphasis on a
Parkinson's research initiative as the Senate has provided.  Tell them of the
potential for breakthrough therapies and the huge savings that will occur as
a result of reduced disability. House-Senate Conference Committee 1996
Labor-HHS Appropriations - Senate Members: (* indicates already co-sponsor)
Republicans: *Arlen Specter(PA)Chairman, *Mark Hatfield(OR),*Thad
Cochran(MS),Slade Gorton(WA), Connie Mack(FL),Christopher Bond(MS),Jeames
Jeffords)VT), Judd Gregg(NH). Demostrat: Tom Harkin(IA)Ranking, Robert
Byrd(WV), *Ernest Hollings(SC),*Daniel Inouye(HI), Dale Bumpers(AR), Harry
Reid (NV), Herbert Kohl(WI).  House Members: Republicans: John Porter(IL)
Chairman, Bill Young(FL), Henry Bonilla(TX), Ernest Istook (OK), Dan Miller
(FL), Jay Dickey(AR), Frank Riggs(CA), Roger Wicker(MS).  Democrats: David
Obey(WI) Ranking, Louis Stokes(OH), Steny Hoyer(MD), Nancy Pelosi(CA), Nita
Fact sheets on research potential and cost burden of Parkinson's on the
nation can be obtained from the Parkinson's Action Network
([log in to unmask]) or by calling 1-800-850-4726.  Regional coordinators and
district coordinators are needed to help grassroots efforts to write letters,
call and visit legislators.  We need people from across the country to
contact committee chairs: Senator Nancy Kassebaum(R-KS), Chair of the Senate
Labor Committee, and Congressmen Thomas Bliley(R-Richmond, VA) and Michael
Bilirakas(R-Tampa, St. Petersburg, FL) who serve as House Commerce Committee
Chair and House Health and the Environment Subcommittee Chair respectively.
 Fact sheets on the Mo Udall bill, sample letters, help with writing, working
with your support group or other tips can be obtained from the Parkinson's
Action Network 1-800-850-4726.  I am a regional coordinator for Kentucky - if
you (anyone) want to help in KY - let me know! have support groups in
Lexington, Owensboro, Elizabethtown, Paducah, Stanford KY writing and working
on Senator McConnell and representatives - need help.
YOU ASKED - I haven't forgotten you original question - ask I write I am
tracking E-mail addresses for legislators - will post again!