

Hi, my name is Dorothy.  My husband, Milo, is my computer operator.  I m 60+ and
was diagnosed PD about 8 years ago although I have had mild symptoms for over 25
years.  I am currently on Sinemet and Sinemet CR, Eldepryl, Lorazepam, Surmontil
and Benadryl.  I also take vitamins C, E, and D.
I found my symptoms greatly improved from trying some suggestions regarding diet
from PD literature.  I take no protein in AM and lunch.  For the evening meal I
eat  beans, soy products, and other vegetable protein.  I m now on a totally
vegetarian diet.
My dyskinesia has become severe.  Much fatigue but no constipation.  Hot weather
bothers me, does it bother you?
My neurologist now thinks I am a good candidate for a pallidomoty.  I m
apprehensive about this & would like to know more about it before proceeding.
     What pre-testing is done?
     What benefits can I expect?
     More stamina?   Less medications?
Does anyone know of a comprehensive source of information on pallidomoty?
Should I give NADH a try before I consider surgery?
I ve been reading the list postings for several weeks and have really enjoyed
it, including Lynda s trip to Holland.