

Good Luck Dick Metzler!
After 26 years of teaching I was just turned down by PERS Calif. {Public
Employee Retirement System} new long term care insurance program just because
I was diagnosed last Oct. as having PD. The app noted that it may disqualify
me and it did. The only program left, if I get that far and spend down what
wealth I have, is MediCal (Medicade) and you have heard what is currently
being proposed for that federal/state program.  I hope Clinton really
lambasts them. If New Mexico or California develops a reasonable program to
support those who really need it, there will be "a giant sucking sound"
caused by the millions heading for those states; increasing the tax burden on
our children. I had better start doing some careful planning; however, my
caregiver/wife who is still employed doesn't want to talk about it.
Fred Turner