

Greetings Everyone!
We order NADH from The Life Extension Foundation in Ft. Lauderdale Florida
(same place we get Melatonin; you can also order Hydergine here). NADH is
called Enada and is sold in 30 tablet packs at $44.00/pack. As you can see
the cost has quickly risen for us with Jeff taking 4 pills a day. There is a
flat shipping charge of $4.00 (whether you order 1 pack or 100 packs).
The Life Extension Foundation has a web homepage at:
Their webpage has many articles concerning the products offered. Good reading.
I order by phone or fax their order form (I think you can order via the web
page but I don't put any credit card numbers on the internet). Once you
order, they send a montly magazine that we find VERY informative on many
meds i.e. deprenyl, NADH, melatonin, GM1 Ganglioside, etc. The mag also
contains good reading on the FDA and all that goes with that. Just in case
there are any 'healthy skeptics' out there, we receive no money from the
LEF. We are just very satisfied customers.
>I would also appreciate info on NADH.  Thanks...........Roberta