

OK, it seems my previous messages about not being able to log on to AOL
from outside if you are not a subscriber seems to be in error.  Joyce, you
mean two of the people you chatted with were not AOL subscribers, but
logged in anyway?
>(if your not on AOL check with your local carrier  to learn how to connect.
> two of the checkins were not on AOL last nite)
>joyce t
"Peace from the clouds"                       \--*MH*--/
Birth Name: Jeffrey Romanyshyn          Email: mythhawk@west,net
Spiritual/Animal Moniker: Myth-Hawk     Occupations: Poet/Ph.D. student:
                                                     Mythological Studies
"Every child is an artist.  The problem is how to remain an artist after
he grows up." - Picasso
If you wish, please check out some of my poetry (written under ROM
CARPATHIAN) and other fine literary creations at the M. David Lewis
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