

While checking another list, I came across this letter about Positive-ion
danger from computer monitors and a simple solution. I emailed the author,
Dan, and received his permission to reprint the letter for the PD list.
Because many of us (caregivers and PDer's alike) spend many hours in front of
the computer I thought the list members might be interested.
>Date: Fri, 29 Sep 1995 18:49:57 -0400
>From: [log in to unmask] (Daniel Stapleton)
>Subject: Positive ion dangers - Computers causing stress / depression
>Hello Netters,
>As a psychology graduate student who spends countless hours sitting in front
of a computer every day, I thought the members of this list would find this
of great interest. On 2/14/95 CBS Evening News with Connie Chung, Dr. Bob
Arnot did a story
about negative ions and their effect on mood.  They talked about a study done
at Columbia University where exposure to a high density negative ion
generator was as effective in treating winter depression as medications like
Prozac. I became very interested because I have suffered from depression and
anxiety for years, and I did extensive scientific research on the benefits of
negative ions.
>This research turned out to be especially interesting to me because I found
a newspaper article discussing the fact that computer monitors emit positive
ions - the opposite of negative ions.  In the article, a consultant to the
FDA says that computer monitors give off large amounts of positive ions and
can actually cause depression, stress, fatigue, etc. in people who sit in
front of computers a lot - like all of us Netters - and that we need negative
ion replenishment.
>After reading the article, I realized that I always felt especially
irritable, stressed, and depressed after long days in front of my computer.
In doing the research, I also found that negative ions have been shown in
numerous studies to be therapeutic for stress, irritability, fatigue,
depression, etc.  So I purchased a small, high density generator and it has
given me substantial relief from my symptoms.
>If any of you would like to receive a copy of the transcript of the CBS news
story, the newspaper article, as well as the other research that I have
found, just e-mail me at <[log in to unmask]> with the words SEND RESEARCH  in
the _subject_ line.
Dan's email address is in the letter and he says he will be glad to send the
information he has compiled to anyone requesting it. I also have the
information, so feel free to email me where to send it. If you're on a pay
service and are charged extra for email's, I would be glad to print info out
and snail-mail it to you if you will get your address to me.
***** Llyn Gruber    <[log in to unmask]> *****
****  Whatever you can do, or dream you can,  ****
*****       begin it--Johann W. von Goethe        *****