

Hi David :)
No, not a wet blanket - just a healthy skeptic - and thank goodness for
skeptics :)  Skeptics provide the catalyst by which we learn to think
further, harder, more deliberately about an issue. Thank you.
I don't want to prove you wrong or right..... All I am doing is posting what
*our* results have more and no less. It's up to anyone who is
interested to followup with research of their own. You might have noted the
post from Kathie Tollifson in which she is clearly not helped by NADH. You
know, we're all just struggling to get through to a cure which I believe is
relatively close. It just so happens since Jeff started NADH AND the
vitamins AND the amantadine, he's feeling and doing much better.
BTW, please post pre and post pallidotomy observations relating to your
wife. You said 'successful' but how was she before and how is she now?
Regards, Lisa Carper
>Thank you Lisa Carper for that rundown,
>As I said, I'd love to be proven wrong and thank you for the offer
>of technical data. Please send everything you have to me at:
>                     [log in to unmask]
>and I'll try to generate some information worth feeding back to you
>and to the list. Incidentally, although the list could perhaps do
>without a lot of the technical information it gets, I think we
>can easily make an exception when it concerns a purported breakthrough
>that could drammatically help almost everyone on the list.
>I am a caregiver for my wife, Aviva, who recently had a successful,
>bilateral pallidotomy at Loma Linda. I'll send you some stuff to show
>you that I'm not quite as much of a wet blanket as you seem to think.
>Thanks for your cooperation,
>_/_/_/_/   David S. Devor
>_/     _/  Project Mind Foundation
>_/     _/
>_/      _/_/    _/_/   Scientists have yet to discover that science
>_/      _/ _/  _/ _/   is the ultimate spiritual endeavor in which
>_/      _/   _/   _/   the whole body must become an instrument of
>        _/        _/   creative vision serving holistic, abundance-
>        _/        _/   generating, restriction-eliminating, spirit-
>                       liberating, world transformation. - T. Kun