

Ron Barber questions whether he ought to drop eldepryl. All the research I've
seen, including fairly recent stuff by Fahn at Columbia-Presbyterian, shows some
correlation with neuroprotection, along with Vitamins C & E. He should also
remember that eldepryl is a mild anti-depressive, and probably helps his mood a
bit. I still take the stuff, even after a very beneficial pallidotomy (which is
often succesful in young onset PD, as in my case).
Re: His Holiness, the Pope. He sure looks to me as though he's got PD. An
influential man of his stature should be petitioned by the members of his Church
to work for the cause. Many suffering people would be helped, and isn't that
what it's all about? (Billy Graham, too...)
Best to all,
Wiiliam Berman (43,11)