

Thank you Lisa Carper for that rundown,
As I said, I'd love to be proven wrong and thank you for the offer
of technical data. Please send everything you have to me at:
                     [log in to unmask]
and I'll try to generate some information worth feeding back to you
and to the list. Incidentally, although the list could perhaps do
without a lot of the technical information it gets, I think we
can easily make an exception when it concerns a purported breakthrough
that could drammatically help almost everyone on the list.
I am a caregiver for my wife, Aviva, who recently had a successful,
bilateral pallidotomy at Loma Linda. I'll send you some stuff to show
you that I'm not quite as much of a wet blanket as you seem to think.
Thanks for your cooperation,
_/_/_/_/   David S. Devor
_/     _/  Project Mind Foundation
_/     _/
_/      _/_/    _/_/   Scientists have yet to discover that science
_/      _/ _/  _/ _/   is the ultimate spiritual endeavor in which
_/      _/   _/   _/   the whole body must become an instrument of
        _/        _/   creative vision serving holistic, abundance-
        _/        _/   generating, restriction-eliminating, spirit-
                       liberating, world transformation. - T. Kun