

This suggestion gets  my vote.
Milo V. Anderson
Box 417
Angwin, CA 94508
VOICE 707 965-2508
EMAIL [log in to unmask]
On Wed, 27 Sep 1995, Joanna Porvin wrote:
> Hi Folks.
> I wanted to offer another opinion as we talk through what to do with the
> list.  Two lists is a viable option.  However, another possibility is
> being more specific in the Subject Heading.  For example:
> * POEM: Sunday & The Parkie With George
> * DRUGS: Sinemet & Diet
> * SYMPTOMS: Foot Curling
> * STORY: Our Visit in Holland
> * ACTION: Walk-a-thon in Detroit
> * ACTION: Target Senator for UDALL Bill
> * REQUEST: Information on Propath
> This would let folks decide easily which messages to focus on.  I've seen
> it work successfully on other lists.
> Also, I think we should more carefully edit posts where we repond to
> other posts.  It is helpful for context to see the original message.  But
> often, a few lines would be sufficient.  And it's best if you put them at
> the end of the message, rather than the beginning.  (Then they're there
> if you need them, but they're aren't in the way.
> Just some thoughts...
> Joanna