

Hi Gary,
My Dad has PD.  Diagnosed last fall (1994).  He complains of leg cramps
alot!  He also has had no diagnosis or relief from any doctor and he has
been to several.  I think it must be related to PD but would love to hear
other experiences to pass on to him.
Good Luck
Nancy Walker
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>I have been dealing with P.D. for the last 9 years and have had reoccuring
>rectal cramping for the last 13 years.  The cramps are painfull to the point
>that I have to stop whatever I'm doing and lay down for the duration
>(usually about 20 to 30 mins).  The frequency of the cramping was weekly
>prior to my P.D. diagnosis and monthly since going on Sinemet 25/250 three
>times per day. I have not had any spicfic diagnosis from either my G.P.  or
>Neuroligist stating the cramps are the result of P.D. but the fact that the
>frequency decreased with P.D. treatment and info I have read on internal
>tremers leads me to beleave the cramping and P.D. are related.