

I'm sorry I didn't make myself clear.  According to alternative medicine
research, PD is caused by many years of specific diets lacking certain
vitamins and minerals.  Now these can be extreme vegitarians or your
average pizza-burger type of person.  Of course not everyone on these types
of diets are candidates for Parkinsons.  Many other factors are considered.
Not everyone who has been exposed to carcinogens i.e food colorings and
radiation will develop cancer but your chances are slightly higher.
This is what the naturalists believe.  Now people in Biafra have many
problems that hit them way before PD, as PD generally sets on later in
By the way my Mother in law happenns to be an axtreme vegetarian for many
years.  I hope I have cleared up a couple of cloudy points.
I see from your address that you are in education from Berkeley.  I am
probably not quite as educated as you are on the subject.  My reaserch is
not documented as none of the alternative medications are but it is food
for thought.  Be well.
Danny Gewirtz
Ma'ale Adumim