

I experience cramps below the heart , the mid-gut, and the lower right
abdomen. I see Dr. Mathias Kurth & Dr. Lileberman (most of the time I saw
them through their nurse Marge Mehagian) when I'd complain, Marge said that
it's "only the PD"...    so far no relief. I'll try eat/sucking ice (is that
the suggestion?)
I also have cramps alot at my upper back, feet, hands (fingers & toes curl
/twist) & just recently  the thighs. "Again I was told "it's just the PD"
with no remedy..
I was diagnosed in '89, I'm 43 now. Took only eldepryl for 4 1/2 years. Then
Pramiprexol through a drug study at  Lieberman's clinic at the BNI  for
almost 9 mos. I lost some drug study pills (in a taxi cab) and although I was
put on the drug slowly over months, I was taken off the drug study "cold
turkey"...  (went through HE_ _ over the last 3 mos.). Now am on Sinamet CR
50/200 (1/2 PILL 3XDAY) along with the eldepryl 5 mg twice daily.
Please share what you learn.  Thank you!!