

Dear Llyn,
Many thanks for e-mailing the info on positive ions. I was wondering have you
yet purchased a negative ion generator? And if so, what have your experiences
been. My husband
 and I  have noticed that when we go into certain stores we feel lightheaded
and "anxious" to get out of the store. Prior to reading this article, we
thought it might be attributed to re-cycled air, perhaps recycled air
has a lot of positive ions.
As a fellow AOL-ian, do you know what to do when large files which need to be
downloaded cannot be done, because, they say, it is too large for a "teach
text" file?"
Thanks again for the information. And I love the Goethe quote you sign off
with, it is empowering and gives hope.
Take care,
Wendy  (C) for John 68 (7)