

Dear Mimi,
Sorry for muy delay in replying. My pallidotomy was done enbd of July, '95 after
11 years of the various pleasures of PD with which you must be familiar. MY
symptoms were worse on my left, thus the operation, which took 3 hours, was done
on the right. The results were instantaneous & dramatic... much reduced
stiffness, NO diskynesias, and a quality of life approaching the normal. My main
problem is keeping my appetite for food in check - if I' m not  careful, I'll
soon need all new shirts to accomodate my rapidly ballooning mid-section.
Thanks to the good people at Western Division (slated for imminent closure by
the Ontario government) of the Tortonto Hospital, my life has truly changed for
the better. (Surgeon, Dr. Andres Lozano - Neurologist, Dr. Anthony Lang).
If you have any more specific questions, please let me know.
Best of luck,
William Berman