

Dear Mary,
Thanks for your interesting post on the teatment of PD with herbs.  These
are the kinds of postings, which seem to be rare on this list, that are of
interest to me as I have really not begun to investigate  possible
conventional treatments.  My mother is 69 years old and although we didn't
realize it, has had PD for a number of years.  Over the last several months
 her symptoms have gotten proressively worse which, along with advent of
Internet in Israel has prompted us to join this group.  Unfortunately we
have to sift through many letters to find information that we can use in
our quest to treat my mother through natural medication.
I certainly dont want to give the impression that ALL the other postings
are of no use to me as I have learned a great deal about this disease and
its treatments.  But reading the postings that have to do with conventional
treatments have sort of confirmed my worst fears: That if PD wont
eventually wear you down then the medications and it's side effects will.
My moms condition has gotten worse lately and I struggle with my decision
to go alternative every day.  Am I doing the right thing?   Should I be
playing roulette with her life simply because of my doubts with
conventional medication? My sandclock is winding down.  I dont think I can
see my mothers situation deteriorate much more without taking some kind of
action.  Upon her diagnosis I gave myself six months of thorough
alternative options and treatments before I would say "o.k bring on the
Sinemet"  but now I just don't know.
There are pluses.  although my mother can barely walk and cannot hold urine
 and tembles uncontrollably, She doesnt experience any of the side effects
such as "sudden Jerks ", sleepless nights, depression and nausea etcc...
Since my mother was diagnosed with PD I have tirelessly researched the
causes and possible cure from a naturalists point of view and my
conclusions,  if anybody really cares, may be interesting for the group to
hear.  PD is caused by long time malnutrition and lack of certain vitamins
and minerals in the body. It would seem logical then to cure this disease
by flooding the body with the vitamins that are lacking.  Joyce Thames, an
active member on this list posted a letter (Oct. 3 ), stating that her
doctor, who is the director for the PDF in N.Y., recommended high doses of
vitamin C and E to slow the progress of PD.  Funny but your Amish list had
those same vitamins on it.  Coincidence?  I'd like to think not.
Please continue posting these findings in the future.
If you or anyone else is interestred in any of my findings on how to cope
with PD through natural means, or have any comments, questions or
suggestions please E-mail through the group or privately
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REFUA SHLEIMA (HEBREW FOR FULL RECOVERY) to everyone.  Happy Holidays.
Danny Gewirtz
Ma'ale Adumim