

Dear Danny;
Your note about your mother has prompted me to write.  I
understand your desire not to start medications but there
are benefits to using them.  There comes a time when they
do indeed help, provide relief, quality of life and a bit of self
respect and dignity for the individual.
My father law (72) with Parkinsons for 7 years has gone
the 'conventional' route with drugs.  He had been failing
and then started on Permax - such a difference!  Not an
overnight change, but a gradual one where he has been
able to have the velcro removed from his shoes; he is in
the process of cleaning all his windows - actually taking
the windows out - and can now get into a car without
simply falling into it; he is walking without lurching...
A few months ago I was considering velcro shirts and
underware; I was setting his place in the dining room with
a spoon; he was eating his meals in dishes with straight
sides, I was zippering his coat... the list goes on.
I know that we will no doubt return to the problems but
for now we have bought a bit of time - time that he can
spend productively.
If medications can improve the quality of your mothers life
in any way, then do try it.   Perhaps in combination with
herbs - anything is worth a try with this condition.
I hope this helps you with your decision.