

My mother is suffering from complications from various drugs for Parkinson's
disease since she was diagnosed about three years ago.  Her current problem
is dystonia on her neck.  She had Botulinum toxin injections for her
dystonia condition.  After the injections, her neck has been dropping forward
and her chin touches her chest.  Her neck position has been changed more
uncomfortably instead of improving.  The pressure on her neck is so strong
that she has to push her face with her hand in order to lift her face into
a normal position.  From time to time, even when her neck is up in a normal
position, she feels such strain over her neck and all over her shoulders
that she has to lie down in bed.  She feels as if she were carrying a heavy
weight on her head and shoulders.  Her physician said that there she has to
wait until the effect of the medicine wears out in two to three months.
I would appreciate it very much if you could share your experiences with us.
Thanks.  -Benny Min
Benny Min  (email: [log in to unmask]  phone: 510-987-0453)