

Regarding discontinuing eldepryl, my physcian has me on parnate, a MAO A
and MAO B blocker. He cites the analysis of spinal fluid that followed up
on the statistics of the datatop study. It showed that Dopamine metabolism
was not being inhibited by Eldepryl. His reasoning is that perhaps with the
inhibition of MAO A, the brain shunts the dopamine metabolism to MAO B.
Instead, inhibiting both ought to do the trick. There have not yet been
clinical trials to see if parnate is any more effective in decreasing the
metabolism of dopamine.
Parnate is not very expensive, but does require some dietary restrictions:
no cheese, yogurt, red wine, aged meats, i.e., anything with significant
levels of the amino acid tyramine. Parnate cannot be taken alongside many
other PD drugs.
Hope this gives grist to the mill.
David hopkins (43,2)