

My comment towards using human or pig fetal tissue is as follows:
If, science was "taking" a life for this purpose I would see it as you do.
However, the facts are that the lives of the fetuses have been taken by other
means.  These lives would still be taken whether or not we are using the
tissue from them or not.
These lives are gone and no one can bring them back.
Using the tissue for the life of another who can benefit greatly by it is not
an act of sin.
It is no different than a person who was born and lived and died prematurely
and gave his or her organs for another to benefit from.
If science has progressed to the point that we can maintain organs to use in
another body who's organs have failed them, why can we not use fetal tissue
from a life that is gone and use it to help another who's brain is failing
them in some form.
This is a breakthrough in a disease that has long affected many lives and
made the quality of their life less than before and much more difficult to to
do simple daily tasks.
The European countries have a different perception of this same theory.  They
believe that if a life has been taken by other means, then by all means use
what you can to increase the quality of life in another.
This is helping a stranger in a most profound way.
I have thoughts to the contrary at times when I think of a baby that will
never be.  But, I look at my partner struggling everyday to simply exist.
I watch his struggle to get dressed in the morning, brush his teeth, shave,
open a pop top can, shift a car, put on a coat, sort through papers, zipper
his briefcase, type on his computer, write a note that says "I Love You"
which I can barely read, eat food at a party or a restaurant and never
ordering something you have to cut, spread, or put together --
I watch him struggle until he asks for help - the hardest thing he does in
his day is ask for help.
Then I go to him and keep talking about the day, flying, boating, the
weekend, even have a little fun while helping him or anything else to help
him realize that this does not make him a lesser person who deserves less
than the rest of us who don't suffer from PD.
If a child who will never know it had a chance to be born because it's mother
chose to end it's chance or medical problems arose that ended it's chance
then why not give another the chance to at least use what is living from the
fetus and allow a born human being to live with the pride they were born by
using the tissue that would never benefit the life it was growing in.
Sheila De Vine