

>Just checking whether I've been cut off  again from the listserv
>distribution.  I haven't gotten any digets for 2 days I think.  I know I like
>to stir up trouble, but...
>Thanks!  Wendy T.
Hi Wendy,
Allthough I sometimes have the impression that I don't receive all the messages,
 I'm receiving your message now.
If you think you're stirring up trouble, I must disappoint you, because this
 time you're not.
Actually you never do. Keep on pointing at things and say what you feel you must
A few other active listmembers and you, are sometimes inactive and then I know
 something is wrong.
Undertaking action is then the next step to find out what is wrong.
This time it is your provider, because I'm receiving you.
QUESTION :    Do you mind if your poems and articles are stored in the
 Information Bank?
            Kees Paap                  Oudedijk 56
            3612 AC  Tienhoven     The Netherlands
            +31 346 281021            FAX + 31 346 281017
Age 45, 6 years PD
Collecting information