

Dear Danny:  Thanks for your focussing the question of herbal treatment of
PD.  AS soon as I was diagnosed (1/93) I considered alternative treatements.
I consulted with both a chinese herbalist and a nuitritionist; both gave me
the same answer.  There were really two conditions that they would consider
that I had: PD and a biological system that was malfunctioning.  They would
treat the latter, but the PD would have to be treated directly.  And both
could go on concurrently.
        So I started with treating PD; with Sinemet and Eldypryl..  And
I started  with nuitritional supplements to get the system functioning
properly again.
        After a year of that, I moved toward Chinese herbs and have two
set that I now take; one specifically to rebalance the PD imbalance and
one to deal with relaxing the sphincters so that I can urinate adequately.
        With all of this, I have gained 10 lbs and am in much better
physical condition.  I seem to have rebalanced the system, at least to
some degree.
        My approach was to mix the strategies, rather than to try one to
the exclusion of the other.  Happily, my professional caregivers all agreed
that it made sense and supported the moves.
        Keep us posted on how this works out on your end.
                Bob Newbrough