

Due largely to the comments I read in the group, I talked things over
with my doctor and decided to start taking Permax.  I am now taking
three x 5 microgram tabs three times daily = 45 micrograms.
At an earlier level of dosage, I found that the twitches I used to
have in the evening have just about disappeared and I am almost
still when lying in bed (for which my wife, Margaret, is very
grateful).  From this, it follows that the Permax must
be doing some good.
My problem now  is that the only people with any knowledge of
permax are you guys out there and my neuro - neither my pharmacist
nor doctor have any experience of it.  I spoke to my neuro's  nurse on
the 'phone and, through her,  he told me that I would know when to
reduce my Sinemet intake because I would start to notice
side-effects. In the meantime, would I please make arrangements,
through my doctor, to visit him for an 'updating' appointment. (This
is the UK National Health Service, remember)
Unfortunately, it might take me some time to get to see my neuro and
so I appeal to you....
What are the 'side effects' that will indicate it is time to reduce
the sinemet and at what level of Permax intake did you start to
notice them.
Alll help  will be much appreciated.
Ron Herstell
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