

A recent post regarding "Nutra-Sweet" et al, brought to my attention the need
to be more astute when it comes to purchasing items we ingest.  I'm currently
in the mist of a full blown "Common Cold" which always seems to settle in my
lungs.  No big deal, as we know these colds take a week or two to resolve.
 In the mean time we purchase cold medicines and the like to relieve are
symptoms.  I am now looking at a bottle of cough syrup, which I might add I
have half consumed.  It is called "VICKS 44 E" Chest Cough & Chest
Congestion.  The color is medicinal red.  Now then, when I read the small
print on the back I suddenly note the following:
   "DRUG INTERACTION PRECAUTION: Do not use this product if you are now
taking a prescription monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), (certain drugs for
depression, phychiatric or emotional conditions, or Parkinsons disease), or
for two weeks after stopping the MAOI drug."
I haven't the foggiest idea what I have done to myself by consuming 4 ounces
of this chemical, however I am still alive and the affect has been noticeable
as best I can tell.  The thought occurs to me, however, if we should have a
list available of things we Parky's should steer away from that can be
referred to in the future.  When we hit on something like this, maybe we
should report it to the list keeper or some central location.  Just a
More importantly, however, is the lesson to be learned from this experience
Jim Ryan - [log in to unmask]