

>Ijust viewed a video put out by SANDOZ pharmaceuticals, titled-
>'Taking Control with Eldepryl'
>It shows a man with mild PD doing his activities of daily living, such
>as buttons, walking and wood working.  I noticed his head wagging back
>and forth, like saying no-no.  I also do that occasionally.  I have
>never seen head wagging liste as a symptom. Does anyone out there have this
>head wagging?  The tape also showed this man at a computer, so mystery
>man if you are on this list, please identify yoursself.
>This head movement is not the fine tremors as seen in ESSENTIAL TREMOR.
>Margie Nestler
>61  PD 3
My father has shown the symptom of head wagging.  He is 65, diagnosed with PD
10 years ago.  His head wagging increases when he gets excited (ie, watching
sports on TV or into a good conversation).  He doesn't seem to be aware he
is doing it - when we point it out he seems to be able to control it.  He does
not have an essential tremour except slightly in his fingers.
Brenda Rankin