

Congratulations! Kathie makes a great point and one I cannot offer advice.
That is that those of you trying NADH might need to 'fine tune' other meds
as well as the exact dose of NADH. Jeff and I are hopeful we see this kind
of message from everyone trying NADH. It's a battle, not the war but it
makes the wait a little easier.
Best to everyone, Lisa Carper
>Howdy all from the sunny Southwest! Winter has finally arrived, we can tell
>because it's finally dropped below 90*. I have run the race with NADH, and
>finally have some good news to report! I feel GREAT!!!
>I have hung in there for three weeks now, through a sleep deprivation
>marathon that I thought would never end. I seem to be the only one that gets
>that yummy side-effect. The first real plus for me was about 1 1/2 weeks
>into it, I realized that I wasn't suffering with Restless Legs as I wandered
>the house all night. Next I realized that my dyskenesia had diminished, and
>that I was not doing  the "bobbing" around in the off to on state. Keep in
>mind that all this time I have been gradually reducing my other parky meds.
>I have eliminated 100 - 150 mgs of sinemet per day, knocked off 5 mg of
>Eldypryl, and dropped 1-2 Parlodel per day (I was taking 4). All this on one
>2.5 mg of NADH! I have stayed at that dose for probably 2 weeks to adjust to
>it, and to alter other meds accordingly.
>The best news of all is that over the last 2-3 days I have noticed a real
>change in how I feel. That "edge" seems to have diminished, and I have slept
>SEVEN hours the last 2 nights! It has been years since I have gotten that
>much sleep. I feel almost normal, well rested, no dyskenesia, legs relaxed
>and not twitching and jumping. I think that I have finally dropped below the
>toxic level of sinemet in my body. Whew!
>I don't know where to go from here, so I think I'll just stay here for a
>while! I am so glad to finally have a good report....I hoped that NADH had
>something to offer, and at least for now it does.
>Jeffrey, if you are having problems with dyskenesia, gradually reduce your
>sinemet. The combo of NADH and sinemet is a powerful team, but go at it
>slowly or you will find yourself in a big OFF. I even break off the end of
>my CR's and spit out part, this does cause them to metabolize faster, so
>your meds cycle may be shorter. I have been switching to regular 25/100's,
>since a broken CR is no longer time-release anyway.
>That's all folks....
>Kathie Tollifson
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