

I am trying to be interested and involved -- now and tomorrow!
I get frustrated in some of my efforts to get new things to try on the
computer.  There is so much new stuff - and I want to be able to get into
what I want to learn more about.   As well as be able to communicate more
efficiently.  The future of having the computer here at home able to
convert my speaking and include pictures, charts, graphs, and videos into a
message to anyone else's computer-communicator (multi-media device) with
each recipient able to "look and listen at it" when you choose, then
respond similarly - or on-line (interactively with me and/or others) --
seems to be a neat thing to have.  right now!
Adding all these capabilities takes more and bigger and faster computers
and data-links (phone/video/data transmission wires -> cables -> fiber
optic "cable" -> wireless satellite transponders-receiver dishes).   The
science fiction dreamers have got us hooked!
But, my body is wearing out!  and my brain is failing!  mostly in the motor
parts, but the thinking - cognition of my ego, id, and libido et cetera -
consciousness is also affected by the food and chemicals that I consume
that get moved into the brain which is my locus of my cognition-life-mind.
Not all of my equipment works well enough to do much of any activity
rapidly any more.  Being content to go slow and do less while having extra
aches and pains and clumsiness and unresponsive body and mind parts is not
what I want to find when I come to life each morning or after a nap, but
it's better than the alternative.  I try to feel good by doing the best I
can in this now that is living for me.  It is harder to "take care" and to
"have fun".
enjoy, care, love,
Ron,59,dz PD 11  <[log in to unmask]> Ronald Vetter