

Current Science Reviews        by Joe Bruman             November 1995
Factor, S.: Movement Disorders 1993;8:240-241:
Acetazolamide (Diamox), used to prevent and treat acute mountain sickness,
dramatically reduced menstrual-related fluctuations of PD symptoms. Formal
trial is urged.
(news item): Science News, 7 Oct 1995;148:230:
Fetal tissue for grafting in PD surgery is not only controversial but scarce.
There is only a narrow window of gestation age where the transplant is
viable, spontaneous or ectopic sources don't work, and 5 (sic) or more
human fetuses are required for each transplant. A  PET scan after 5 months
confirmed the first successful graft using pig embryo cells, and 2 of 3
patients showed symptomatic improvement. Researchers will continue trials to
establish safety and to see if immunosuppression can be avoided.
Singaram, C., et al: Lancet 1995;346:861-864:
Long-standing PD often includes chronic constipation, leading to unpleasant
effects such as megacolon. Study of tissue from ll such PD patients
revealed failure of dopaminergic neurons in the gut.
Anderson, D.: Engineering & Science, Sept 1995:26:
A vertebrate embryo begins with a single fertilized cell, which divides and
redivides many timess, and diversifies during that process to create all the
different cells which eventually comprise the complete organism. Research
has found cells at an early stage of development called progenitor cells,
which can be made in the laboratory to develop eventually into neurons.
Hopefully someday those cultured cells may be used to replace the damaged
neurons of degenerative diseases such as PD. If this sounds complicated, it
is, far beyond what you see here, and any therapeutic application is years
away. But pay attention, because if there is ever a cure for PD, this will
be it.
Tuite, P., et al: Ann Neur 1995;38:684-687:
Machado-Joseph disease is a rare hereditary variant of PD, that responds to
levodopa therapy.
McDermott, M., et al: Arch Neur 1995;52:565-570:
In the 800-subject DATATOP study of Deprenyl and Tocopherol, patients who
reached end-point (the need for levodopa) soonest were those presenting
with bradykinesia and posture instability/gait difficulty.
Cheers, Joe
J. R. Bruman (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks CA 91403