

I too have been described as being off-dystonic.   During a very recent visit
with my neuro who is a PD professional,  we changed my method of taking my
My symptoms worsened during the coming down time and did not pick up until
half way into the up curve of the new dosage.   during the top of the dosage
time curve I was OK.
My PD symptoms are stiffness, freezing and toe/foot curling/spasms.
Exactly one week ago, saturday,  I began the new regime.   I dilute all my
regular Sinemet (not CR)  into a measured amount of O>J>.   At first I tried
every two hours but it did not achieve the results we were looking for, so
now every hour from 0600 till my final pill dosage I take a drink.  Knock on
wood,  although the stiffness and freezing is still there, it is not as long
lasting.  Most important is that I have not had a curling or foot spasms for
ONE WEEK!!!!!.
Your letter seemed to indicate similiarities and so I took advantage of this
forum to pass on my experiences.
Good luck and I would be interested to hear a follow up from you.
joyce t
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