

Hi everybody...iln response to Doug, as I said earlier, for some reason
Columbus seems to be more tuned in to the Canadian scene than other places in
the U.S.  It has been very good for me, since I miss so many Canadian
friends/places, etc.  The reaction of my students to the referendum (and it has
been a featured story in our student newspaper several times lately) has been
interesting.  Most of them are shocked that any group could think of
"secesssion," which was at one point a very real possibility in the U.S. but
now seems more or less out of the question --or simply NOT a question to them.
One of the students reported that Rush Limbaugh had gone on a tear against
Quebec last night, saying that the U.S. must be all English or we would end up
"another Canada."  (He thought that was a denigrating thing to say!!).  At any
rate, I am reading all ofyour comments avidly and wondering what oh what will
happen in the next year or so.  Best to everyone, Andrea