

My search of the Archives shows that the following post, which I made to
the list on October 24, was never recieved.  If this is a repeat I am
sorry.  It should't happen again. I've reset my options so that my own
posts are sent to me.  I am knew to E-mail and making many mistakes.
On Sun, 22 Oct 1995 Barbara Schirloff <[log in to unmask]> said:
>I'm new to the list.  What is NADH?
Someone else asked me what NADH was. The following is what I sent her.
>I'm not qualified to tell you what NADH is and what it does thus I will
only give you a brief synopsis of what I have found on the PD list and from
my own limited research.
PD is caused by a deficit of dopamine in the brains's basal ganglia.
L-DOPA, an immediate precusor of dopamine is usually used to substitute for
the shortage.  But using tyrosine, the precursor of L-DOPA is of no value.
Dr. Birkmayer believes that the synthesis of dopamine is blocked because
the tyrosine cant be converted into L-DOPA and if you add NADH
(Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), one of the many coenzymes needed to
convert tyrosine to L-DOPA, earlier in the cycle you can stimulate the
natural dopamine production in the brain.  In addition since L-DOPA, in a
feedback loop, inhibits the conversion of tyrosine to L-DOPA, Dr. Birkmayer
believes adding L-DOPA directly inhibits natural dopamine production
further in PD patients.
Dr.Birkmayer believes that NADH can increase energy, improve memory, reduce
symptoms in PD and alzheimer's disease and protect against furhter brain
It sounds too good to be true.  But at least one person on the list said
she has reduced her other medicines and had some sympton improvment since
taking NADH.
NADH has not had double blind tests and is not FDA approved thus all of us
are taking it on blind faith and nothing more.
It is sold w/o a prescription, as an energy supplement in health food
Dr. Atkin's article got me interested in NADA.  He is a super salesman.  It
can be found at 5946 in the PD lists database.
An excerpted work by Dr. Birkmayer shows how NADA is supposed to aid the
production of dopamine in the PD brain. It can be found at 3970.
These articles were posted by list members.
To get these articles send this message
//DBlock JOB Echo=No
Database Search DD=Rules
//Rules DD *
select * in parkinsn
print all 3970 5846
[log in to unmask]
I hope this is helpful.
Diane Turner
[log in to unmask]
Diane Turner
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