

 *** Original (but possibly edited) note follows ***
 >  If anyone responded to the query on "caregiver book"... mother-in-law,
 >  Maryellen
 ***  End of original note ***
Mary Ellen,
Saw your note and plea for some resources.  First, until your family is
ready to be helped, there may be little you can do but to continue to be
ready.  It's hard to help when family doesn't want it.
When that time occurs, there may be some good resources through a local
hospital.  My mother, who is a caregiver for my father in Oklahoma City,
found an excellent source in a seminar series for caregivers.  It dealt
with the emotional side of cargiving, taking care of one's self, dealing
with finances, etc..  Really good!  Call your local hospital and ask to
talk with someone in social services.  They are the most informed about
what's available.
Some really good books that have helped me as a caregiver for my wife who
has had PD for 23 years (she is 49) are:  Parkinson's Disease-The Complete
Guide for Patients and Caregivers (Simon and Schuster ISBN 0-671-76819-0),
Mainstay for the Well Spouse of the Chronically Ill (Penguin) by Maggie
Strong, When a Loved One is Ill (Plume) by Dr. Leonard Felder (ISBN
Hope this is helpful!  Keep us informed on-line or privately how it goes.
Good for you for being helpful to your family.
 EDWARD MARTIN, Truman, Minnesota. (Sat, Nov  4, 1995, at  6:52 pm)
 Internet Address: [log in to unmask]
         "He who would not when he may, when he does shall have nay!"