

Some days just go like this................
Twentieth Century Lament
Sometimes I feel
As if I'm losing control
Time and Space distorted
Inescapeable black hole
All that I must do
And all that I should
I'd like to catch up
If only I could
Torn in various directions
By endless responsibilities
Their urgency unrelenting
Straining tired sensibilities
Laundry, Cleaning, Bills
Falling ever further behind
Groceries, Cooking, Dishes
Little relief do I find
A job with some OT
Friends, Dog, and Family
Oh my God!  In all this mess,
I almost forgot about me!
When in all this chaos
Do I take care of myself
And do what is necessary
To ensure my continued health?
Exercise, Meditate
Read, Sleep, and Play
I can fit that all in
Maybe later today
The more that I hurry
To do all that needs done,
Evermore slowly I go
Mind/Body no longer working as one
I pray for some guidance
A way out of this mess
To simply enjoy life
Before the Long Rest.
* Wendy Tebay