

> I just viewed a video put out by SANDOZ pharmaceuticals, titled-
> 'Taking Control with Eldepryl'
> It shows a man with mild PD doing his activities of daily living, such
> as buttons, walking and wood working.  I noticed his head wagging back
> and forth, like saying no-no.  I also do that occasionally. ... etc.
I have suffered with this kind of head movement (42yo, PD 5yrs).
It was identified as an example of dyskinesia (involuntary movement),
caused by excess dosage of levadopa (Madopar).
The head movement was typically triggered by speech, which made verbal
communication as unpredictable as handwritten! (I understand that control
of the mouth and hands occupies a dis-proportionate amount of the brain).
I have not yet experienced any other form of dyskinesia.
I have been placed on an increasing dose of Pergolide while keeping the
Madopar dose constant (125mg dispersible first thing, + 3 doses 125mg
CR). The tactic is to keep the dependence on dopamine down, which seems
to have succeeded, since the symptom now occurs only very rarely.
However, I now have even greater problems with what is probably dystonia
(muscular distress). This appeared first in my hands, then spread to my
arms and legs. My hands now became sore and immobile after a short period
of typing, and I can't drive very far before my arms and legs disfunction
(can't turn wheel or change gear - automatic gears are rare in the UK).
In consequence, I can neither work (as a computer analyst) nor drive ...
but I no longer suffer uncontrolled head movement! We are hopeful that a
larger dose of Pergolide may yet prove more effective.
I should add that there is an additional motive for this treatment. At 42
I am regarded as a young sufferer. Despite the promise of new treatments
in the future the most effective for some time is likely to be levadopa.
Thus there is a strong reason to hold back the Madopar.
I hope this account helps you identify with your own symptoms.
Alan Marshall   ([log in to unmask])
age 42  PD 5.5yrs
PS. I was prescribed Eldepryl (and Artane) since first diagnosed.