

I thought it would be helpful for Joyce to have a walker in the house for the
times she was alone or just didnt want to ask for help during her difficult
walking times.  So, she got a walker with three large wheels and handbrakes
on both seemed to me just what she needed...BUT
at first she refused to give in to having to need it and secondly when we
experimented on the hardwood floors she lost control trying to manage the
handbrakes.   If she applied the brake more on one side the walker would make
a 90/degree turn and she lost her balance.
Actually, it was almost a comedy scene to all of us but she didnt think it
was funny !!
It is sitting in the garage almost unused....I told my mom that when she came
to visit she would inherit this masterpiece of engineering that Joyce didnt
want.  Everyone will be happy then but only if Mom can handle it....
Im glad that sometimes we can laugh at PD
Chuck T
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