

Hi, I'm new here and seem to have come in the middle of this.  I first
started on the Hepatitis C list a week ago.  I am really enjoying it.  My
mother-in-law has PD so I joined this one for her, as well as me.  On Sunday
the list server was down.  I was so depressed as was alot of other people.
It's not just a list for information, it about supporting one another. Being
able at times to just let it out.  I've never laughed as much as this in
along time, just being able to relate with other people with the same
disease.  Some people just don't want to hear about it.
One women wrote in that she was panhandling for some mail, "Mister could you
spare some mail till my server comes back on."
Also in the HepC group when there is pertinent information regarding the
disease, or when someone is asking for information, they put "INFO" first in
the subject line.  Apparently there are some people that that is all they
want.  You can send a command to receive INFO mail only, that way you don't
get any of the other chatter that goes on.
There are alot of people on the Hepc list that are on the sidelines, but
they do enjoy reading through all the mail.
I don't know if you have that on this list already or not, but its an idea.
>I agree with the reply at the bottom. I think if we start establishing this
>guideline and that guideline we all stand to lose at some point. Our system
>is imperfect but it's the best one going from the standpoint of it being the
>'better for the whole'. You never know when you might find that 'pearl'
>amongst all the clams :)
>Respectfully, Lisa Carper