

Hi everyone,
I also would be interested in PSP information.
[log in to unmask]
>Please reply to [log in to unmask], not the list.  Barb
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Tue, 14 Nov 1995 12:44:53 -0500
>From: Rowan Shirkie <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]
>Subject: PSP request on Parkinson's list
>Hello, I came across a reference to the Parkinson's mailing list while
>searching for information on PSP (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy).  I had
>thought to post this request for information to the list, but the
>mailserver properly rejected it, and suggested I contact you directly.
>Would you please consider posting this query? I would also very much
>appreciate a referral to any physician  in the Niagara-Hamilton area with
>some knowledge of the disease. Best regards, Rowan
>----------- query follows --------------------
>Can anyone advise on reference material, current awareness services, or
>supporting organizations for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP -
>sometimes called a Parkinson's syndrome disease)?
>Please also copy direct to me as I am not a current subscriber to the
>Parkinson's network list.
>Thx, Rowan Shirkie
>([log in to unmask])
>----------- query ends --------------------
>Rowan Shirkie-Selene Communications | [log in to unmask] | VOX: + 905.687.9805
>s-mail: 32 Church St., POB 922, St. Catharines, ON, Canada L2R 6Z4