

Hi Everyone!
 I would like to thank R.Weeks for the letter she E-Mailed me.  I
gave the letter to my mom.  I wasn't sure how to approach her with
the subject, so I just came out and told her I belonged to this list.
At first she was negative but as she read some of the letters that
you all have sent she seemed to ease up a bit.  This electronic stuff
(computers) are all foriegn to her but I hope to have her writing to
you soon!  She still won't talk about PD with anyone but at least she
knows I care enough to inquire about it with you people on the list.
I brought up the idea of a foot brace for her gait but she wants to
consult her local doctor first.  She thinks this doctor of hers (of
20+ years) word is gospel.  She will not make a move without talking
to him first.  She sees him every 3-4 months.  I know she trusts him
but he is not specialized in PD, and really doesn't take the time to
care for my mom the way she should be cared for.  Of course me being
the daughter I am biased!  Any advice on how to get her to explore
her horizons with PD?
[log in to unmask]
PS.  Everyone has been great for info.  Appreciate the level of
caring everyone puts into their letters!