

Dear group members and Janet in particular,
This group seems to be growing every day.  new members are constantly
sighning up.  May I suggest that someone knowledgable take up the task and
make a glossary of terms for people like me who are new and not too
familiar with the terms that make up the essence of many of the posts.
Acouple of examples are "freezing Up" or "off Periods".  These are
obviously nicknames for conditions that I have no idea of what they are nor
do I believe that any new member to the list or PD itself would know what
they are.
I realize there are many people who have had PD for years and are very
comfortabe using these terms, but maybe someone can make a small list of
some of the more used "terms" and we can constantly have it in reaching
distance on the digest or something.  thats the experts dept.
     Janet, what do you think of the idea? it would probably help alot of
Danny Gewirtz
Ma'aleh Adumim
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