

The Upjohn Co., now known as Pharmica-Upjohn, has released information
regarding a New Drug Application for a compound that may offer Parkys a
potent weapon in the treatment of PD.  The compound, pramipexole, has proven
effective in clinical trials as a single therapy for treatment of early PD
and a combination therapy with levodopa in treating advanced stages.  "We
found in our clinical studies that if we put patients on pramipexole, they
get better and they stay better for a long time." say's Upjohn. "it helps
smooth out the complications associated with levodopa treatment."
 Pramipexole is a dopamine agonist, which means it works by mimicking the
activity of dopamine-but without causing harmful side effect.  Upjohn is
overseeing three major Phase III studies in Europe.  Those studies are
expected to conclude next year.
"The clinical data in PD is very strong, and we think pramipexole will
provide an important tool for physicians" a Upjohn spokeperson reports.
I'll keep the list updated if and when more information is released.
Jim Ryan 55/6