

Thank you, John.  I had planned to compare the present review of members
to one of the first ones this weekend but you saved me all that time.  In
fact, John, as one of our original members, you have saved me and the
rest of our members countless hours of work and frustration with your
comprehensive 'how-to' messages.  I am sure we all appreciate your
efforts and thank you.
Janet Paterson asked to tell the story of how the list began and I will
do that either later today or on the weekend.  It's not a long story.
In return, I have a request for our members.  This is totally voluntary of
course.  Could you send me, off the list preferably, your story...why you
joined, how you found out about the list, what the list has meant to you,
etc.   I will attempt to put them together (with or without
specified by you).