

At 01:27 AM 11/8/95 -0500, you wrote:
>Since there's a good bit of research going on into possible environmental
Do you have dry or runny eyes or throat, dry skin, headaches, lethargy,
nausea, respiratory problems?  These and many other symptoms are caused by
toxic indoor air.  Some of the sicknesses caused by contaminated indoor air
are Sick Building Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, (Yuppie Disease),
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), mental  retardation, brain cancer,
lung cancer. These sicknesses some times result in permanent disabilities
and death.
 Often the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is much worse than the air outside the
buildings.  The health, safety, and lives of  great many people are in
jeopardy because clean air is not being supplied to them at their homes,
their schools, their work.   Unhealthy indoor air is a leading cause of
sickness in the United States today and it is preventable.
In the 1970s the large increase in energy costs resulted in a dedication to
energy conservation and the building of "tight buildings."   Heating,
Ventilating, Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems usually are designed and
controlled for energy conservation, not for healthy air.   In order to save
energy, contaminated air is recirculated in buildings again and again, some
times for months at a time, so that the air would not have to be heated or
cooled.   Little or no fresh outside air is brought into the building.
This action also results in the progressively increased pollution, this at
the expense of the health, and comfort of the building occupants.
Contaminated unhealthy air also results in additional costs because
employees will have  lowered efficiency and increased sick leave time.
Much research has been done by private and government organizations to
confirm these facts.   It does not take scientific research to understand
that if people breathe air that is short of oxygen and full of contaminants
for 40 hours a week, it will make them sick..
 It would make extremely good sense to prevent sickness rather than trying
to endure the discomfort and  expense of  trying to correct sickness.
Prevention also is the best way to reduce health care costs. increase
productivity, and enjoy a higher quality of life.  The public has a right to
know when they are working in a hazardous environment; but usually they are
not informed.   It takes public awareness and strong enforceable laws to
make changes that assure the public of   Healthy Indoor Air  to breathe;
Clean healthy Indoor Air certainly is our right.    Building  occupants have
no organization or union to represent them to get unhealthy air problems
corrected and they are  therefore at the mercy of the building management.
We must exert more control over the air we breathe with a demand for
governmental and industrial responsibility.
Robert Lossman <[log in to unmask]>