

Walking to Reno' office is a great idea!  Instead of walking for a purely
cultural-political agenda, we would be doing for the present and future
health of Parkies, as well as raise awareness for other illnesses.  Does
anyone on the list live in or near the capitol?  If we can set something
up, i'm game!
At 11:33 PM 11/17/95, Russell J. Ahlstrom wrote:
> I am all for the idea of a walk on Washington and Iam am not fussy about
>what kind of a walk.  Maybe we should walk to Janet Reno's office and
>incourage her to join us.  Can you imagine what kind of visability this would
>give, it certainly would open some eyes and and hopefully some minds.Lets
>here more if anyone has any ideas and is willing to express them. After 30
>years with Parkinson's walking isn't easy sometimes but I   know I could. do
>Russ Ahlstrom-  [log in to unmask]
>North Mankato,MN
>PK 30   age 51
"Peace from the Clouds"                              \--*MH*--/
Jeffrey R. Romanyshyn, M.A, M.H.             Email: [log in to unmask]
"Myth Hawk"
28/Diagnosed 3yrs/Sinemet CR 2x/Sinemet 10/100 as morning booster and as
needed/Eldepyrl 5mg 1x/Rolfing (Deep Body Massage/Lift Weights-Cycle--4-5
times per week
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