

I wanted to add a word on caregivers.  I was the caregiver for 10 years for a
friend with MS.  It was one of the hardest times of my life.  This individual
had no consideration for me and the other person helping out.  When we asked for
relief or consideration, she only moaned about how would we like to be in her
shoes.  By the time I left there was not one shred of our friendship left.  I
hope and pray that when that day comes for me to have a caregiver, as it
eventually will, I shall remember what I went through.  Parkinson's is bad --
but what is even worse is to have to bear the burden when there is nothing wrong
with you and the sick person thinks only of herself.  Please, please, all of you
with PD, think of the burden of your caregiver.  Without your love and
understanding, they are only in prison.
Helen Ormsby           [log in to unmask]
"Old soldiers never die.  Young ones do."