

Thanks, Delana, for a wise and helpfully honest post about caregiving.
I suspect you are right that we self-censor our words at times, on both
ends of the relationship.  You have practically written a caregiver's manual
and my only additional thought would be to try to find a caregivers'
support group, or knowledgable support person to talk to when things get
too stressful. Perhaps even on this list someone could set up a separate
distribution list of interested caregivers? I think the idea was raised
in some form months ago, but don't have the name of the person who brought
it up. Also , there are good guides for selecting a nursing home,and these
should be available at a local senior center,library,or family service
agency. Lots of resources, if we know where to look.
Camilla Flintermann (C) Peter(76-6)