

I was having quite a problem with sleeping> I would get tired but I could not
sleep, I could not even take a nap. My physician had =me try serveral
sleeping medications but they left me feeling gorgy and lathargic. Then abot
5f weeks ago he prescribed AMITRIPTYLINE 10MG. I started out one tablet at
bedtime for 2 nights and then 2 tablets for two nights for 2 nights and so on
until I was up to 5 tablets for two nights.
I still had to take 1/2 tablet AMBIEN 10MG with it but I was able to reduce
the AMITRIPTYLINE to three tablets a night and 1/2 tablet of AMBIEN and with
that combination I am Sleeping the night through..Hooray after 6 months I
finally found something that is working. Hope this can help you ask your