

Hello Naomi:
some five years ago, I noticed a definite declination of my "normal" daily
me.  That was at a time in my PD life that my days were nearly normal so a
real change was obvious.   Now, my "normal"  on days blend somewhat into the
"off" days but still there is a marked difference.
Having said all that,   my husband set up a video camera and we made a plan
to tape the same actions in the same room at the same time each day.
when we finished one month ( X # of days frm  P to P)   and put it in graph
form, we realized that there was an absolute correlation of symptoms to my
cycle.   So, again we did this for two more months and sure enough it was
almost identical.    We called for a meeting with our neuro (Dr. Fahn at
CPMC) in NYC and when it was mentioned he seemed to be interested.  When he
found out that we had this tape,  he rushed the tape to the media lab in the
hospital and called us a few days later to say how much he appreciated seeing
it.   It seems that at that time, I was one of his youngest female patients
(i was) 46 and he had noticed it or noone mentioned it to him.   A month
later we received two calls,   one from Chicago and one from Washington DC
telling us that they had seen the tapes and it was the most indicative piece
they had seen.
As a sideline...the UK has a younger PD population and they knew about it.
What to do was the question
NOTHING was the answer     HORMONES were out of the question as they
interfered with the medicine
BE AWARE of your calender was the final final of this and we have made our
social or business plans accordingly since then.