

Dear Anne
Many ythanks for the information about Permax you and others on this
list provided in response to my request.
I really dont' know how to thank you all enough.  As a result of what
you told me, I went to my Dr. and talked over the possibility of
trying it.  He had never heard of it but looked it up and then asked
me was I sure I wanted to try it.
Thanks to all the mail I had read by the list members,  I was able to
say a very emphatic YES.  So he prescribed it for me.
Presenting the prescription to my friendly local pharmacist (she
really is marvellous!) resulted in more blank stares and yet more
perusal of the drug books.
However, I finally got it (it's called Celance in the UK in case any
Britishers are listening) and started taking it.
The effect was really quite startling.  By the third day (dosage at
0.1 mg three times daily) I no longer had my evening twitches which,
by itself, made it worthwhile - before that, Margaret and I  had been
thinking about single beds.
To shorten a long story, I can report that I am now on 0.25 mg
three times daily but have REDUCED MY SINEMET CR INTAKE BY 50%!!!
Fortunately, I did not suffer from any of the side-effects and I was
able to combine the effects of the Permax with those of taking the
Sinemet on an empty stomach - another tip I got from here,
My Dr. is absolutely staggered at the results, and is going to see
his other PD patients and talk over with them the possibility of
trying this.
None of this would have been possible without this mailinglist!!!
Thanks again, and KOKO.
Ron Herstell  <[log in to unmask]>